This is a gallery of data visualizations which have been creating using the R package animint2. title links
tdhock/2023-12-27-train-sizes-classification Variable size train sets, classification repo source video
tdhock/2023-12-26-train-sizes-regression Variable size train set, regression repo source video
tdhock/2023-12-13-train-predict-subsets-classification SOAK algorithm: train/predict on subsets, classification repo source video
tdhock/2023-12-13-train-predict-subsets-regression SOAK algorithm: train/predict on subsets, regression repo source video
tdhock/2025-02-03-aum-convexity Simple non-monotonic ROC curve repo source video
tdhock/2024-06-26-neuroblastomaProcessed-combinations Generalized ROC curve metrics repo source video
tdhock/2024-07-04-HMM-angular-data Hidden Markov Model for 2d angular data repo source video
tdhock/2025-02-01-error-predict-qsip Accuracy of predicting qSIP data repo source video
tdhock/2024-08-bic-learned-details BIC versus learned penalty in neuroblastoma data repo source video
tdhock/2024-09-16-K-fold-CV-train-sizes-regression Samples required to learn non-trivial regression model repo source video
tdhock/2024-11-27-decision-tree-spam Cross-validation for Breiman’s CART algorithm on SPAM data repo source video
tdhock/2025-01-19-bike-rides-around-paris-2009 Map and time series of Toby Hocking’s Bike Rides in 2009 repo source video
tdhock/2024-11-23-greedy-decision-tree Greedy decision tree learning algorithm for binary classification (Breiman’s CART) repo source video
tdhock/2025-01-WorldBank-facets-map World Bank data (multiple selection, facets) repo source video
nhintruong/figure-2019-08-14-animint Gaussian Process models for sample selection repo source
tdhock/Animated2GradCAM-COVID19-Chest-X-ray-ViT-V3-140px-609Case Classifying chest X-rays, plot confidence repo source
tdhock/Animated2GradCAM-COVID19-Chest-X-ray-ViT-V2-200px-696Case Classifying Covid19 chest X-ray images repo source
tdhock/2023-12-04-degree-neighbors Overfitting using linear model polynomial degree and nearest neighbors repo source
tdhock/2023-12-04-capacity-polynomial-degree-several-patterns Overfitting using linear model polynomial degree repo source
tdhock/2023-11-21-auc-improved Initial/optimized AUM/AUC for change-point problems repo source
tdhock/2020-02-13-variable-importance-Sugar-Maple Sugar Maple accuracy and variable selection repo source
tdhock/2020-02-13-variable-importance-Table-Mountain-Pine Table Mountain Pine accuracy and variable selection repo source
tdhock/2020-02-13-roc-vs-error-Sugar-Maple Sugar Maple ROC curves and error/accuracy metrics repo source
tdhock/2020-02-13-roc-vs-error-Table-Mountain-Pine Table Mountain Pine ROC curves and error/accuracy metrics repo source
tdhock/2019-02-14-L2-regularization L2-regularized (Ridge) least squares linear regression repo source
tdhock/2019-02-05-linear-regression-1d-grad-desc-ozone-steps Gradient descent with several step sizes for 1d linear regression in ozone data repo source
tdhock/2019-02-05-linear-regression-1d-grad-desc-ozone Gradient descent for 1d linear regression in ozone data repo source
tdhock/2020-02-03-capacity-polynomial-degree Overfitting using linear model polynomial degree repo source
tdhock/2019-01-nearest-neighbor-regression-one-split Nearest neighbors algorithm for regression repo source
tdhock/2023-01-regression-2d Nearest neighbors for regression with 2D inputs repo source
tdhock/2019-01-nearest-neighbors-classification-1d Nearest neighbors algorithm for classification repo source
tdhock/2019-01-nearest-neighbors-cross-validation 4 fold cross-validation repo source
tdhock/2023-11-interval-regression-differences AIC/BIC change-point detection comparison using ROC curves repo source
tdhock/necromass-figure-one-network bacteria_fungi_conservative visualization repo source
EngineerDanny/EngineerDanny-necromass-figure-one-network bacteria_fungi_conservative visualization repo source
nhintruong/breakpoints breakpoints select multiple segmentation models repo source

Download this table: meta.csv

Visualizations with missing meta-data error
tdhock/tdhock-figure-nnet-regression-degrees repo impossible d’ouvrir l’URL ‘
tdhock/animint-figure-nnet-regression-degrees repo plot.json file in gh-pages branch of tdhock/animint-figure-nnet-regression-degrees should have element named title which should be string describing the data viz

Download this table: error.csv

Source code